Growth Track is a mentorship program that was birthed out of our passion for Christ and our love for His people. The primary purpose of Growth Track is to serve three basic functions:

1. To help bring clarity to what it means to have a life giving relationship with Jesus Christ. 

2. To help establish Biblical unity within the faith family to follow Christ.

3. To help equip and send each disciple toward their God given purpose for life.

  • THE GOSPEL- The word gospel means good news and is used 77 times in the New Testament. The Gospel message is the reconciled relationship with God through the life, death and resurrection of Christ in which the believer is saved from sin and into eternal life with God. When we receive this new relationship by faith, we are given a new life in Christ. Many see the gospel as the “door,” the way in, the entrance point into God’s kingdom. But the gospel is so much more! It is not just the door, but the path we are to walk every day of our new life. It is not just the means of our salvation, but the means of our transformation. The gospel is not simply deliverance from sin’s penalty, but release from sin’s power. The gospel is what makes us right with God (justification) and it is also what frees us to delight in God (sanctification). The gospel changes everything! 


  • THE CHURCH- New life in Christ is more than a commitment we make, but is participation in a family. Everyone who has put their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior has an invisible bond within the body of Christ “positional membership,” this is known as “the universal church.” But Biblically we must identify those who are in the committed body. At Lifepoint we call those “committed members,” or “mission partners.” As LPC Mission Partners, we are committed to glorifying God through the local community of faith. “Each other.” Establishing a partnership with a local church is incredibly valuable to you as a Christ follower and is beneficial in helping one another live out God’s purpose for your life. 


  • THE MISSION- If we are a Christian, we have been saved by the cross, empowered by the resurrection, and filled with the Spirit, and we have an opportunity to center our lives on that gospel. Which means, we all have a role in helping people trust and treasure Jesus for life. That’s the mission. So whatever spiritual gifts and abilities you have, we must interpret them in light of the bigger picture of God’s purposes stated in his Word—to get the gospel to the ends of the earth. According to the Great Commission, followers of Jesus are his primary representatives for Him and His kingdom. (Matt. 28:18-20) This is not a job but a new life giving purpose that compels us to share the gospel with others. As Christians we are to live in such a way that we proclaim the excellencies of Jesus Christ through offering of ourselves to His mission so that others can come to know him.